everything starts from yesterday morning....
when me n mei r getting ready to go to church.. he was sitting there..awaiting for us to give him $$...then he asks mei to ask me to give him ten bucks... i told mei i've got no $$ already..then i went out to prepare my baby bike to get ready to travel...he told mei tat we're very rude... at tat time mei was listening to music with her earpiece on but she can hear a thing or two...
then when we got home after church...mei told me tat she's very tired of seeing him home everytime...when he's not home she's happy n relax..n i felt the same too...nowadays a lot of things has been happenin...for me n mei...we dun like to get home early..we hope tat we can get home as late as we possibly could...when im at work..i wish tat i can do my job as late as it can b..so tat i dun need to face him nor see him..but for mei she has to face him when he's home...or she'll lock herself inside mum's room n nvr get out unless she has to...
we were saying about him on the way home..mei said...having a father like him..its like not having a father at all..im very proud of my friends.. for they've got wonderful dad who can WORK! although minimal of them are like crippal or like him got hands n feet that can WORK!
as in for now...im putting my first priority place is mei....i have to protect her...since da jie went over to penang island to work n she's nvr home often...my mum.. she's in pdg besar working..n not home oftenly too...i have to protect mei..
then da jie n her bf took us out for a movie n shopping...he saw da jie's bf car passed by in front of him..n we saw him too..then he went home n called da jie saying tat she dare not see him...n asking for $$ from her..da jie said..she'll give him e $$ when she gets home...then we went to watch "race to the witch mountain" hmm can say that its a good movie..really very nice one...then da jie have to buy her office wear..due to she has to go to PWTC for an exibhition...
then he kept calling n calling da jie..da jie dun wan2 pick up..then he called mei...
mei said that he's demanding for $$..saying tat he's goin to work...n wans to buy 4D...mei said to him tat da jie's bf got to buy something we cannot rush him de ma..coz he's the one driving,,,if u rush him dun u feel embarassed? he said tat we're giving all e excuses n all of these r nonsense...OMG my face totali changed when i heard tat...the happy mood tat me n mei r in... r destroyed by him..our faces turn black...n we've got no mood to shop nemore...
mei said she doesn wan to go home tat early..but da jie say she has to..or else he'll keep botherin us...
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