Saturday, March 14, 2009

14th March 2009 @ 3.50pm

im still working as usual...earning for OTs =earning for much more money...

there's a new open gym in the neighbourhood... i wan2 ask how much is to apply for their membership...
if it is reasonable i wan to do my exercise there...its been a long time since i've work out...been too bz earning n doin for no time to go n work got really fat since i've got the time now...hehe..

yesterday night he came home n saw mum...
came into the room where all of us are at...asking for mum's credit card n money...
credit card for petrol n money is for spending...
no matter how mum said tat she got no more money he still insist on it..
then mum got no choice bt to giv him in...
at tat time how i wish i could speak something keep holding me back...
its like something shut my mouth up..sighs..
i failed to defend my mum such a failure...

tomorrow is gonna b a thunder day...
coz jess is goin to pick up the car from grandpa...
n exchange it with him... i dunno what's gonna happen next.. will tell u when the story happens...
tomolo sure there's an arguement to go i wish i could get out of the house n let them finsh it themselves...
bt i cant..coz i have to defend for one of them... on the other hand i cant drive...cant really get out...
this arguement is gonna last till i duno when...
for now im juz hoping tat he get out from this house..

in additional... we're goin to celebrate mum's b'day earlier.coz she's not gonna b here on her b'day...
wat to do for her to be suprise? hope she likes suprises...its gonna be a Happy Earlier B'day MUM!! hehe...
hope everythin turns out right...

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