Saturday, November 3, 2012

04th November 2012-Sunday @0200hrs

Im working at the reception today.. its hard work i'd say.. haha u cant even go somewhere else and walk for a while... I got to be fast, this is the only time that i can boast! haahahaha Been yesterday to an interview,Malindo Airline is the name for a new company.. Guess what? for the first 2 days it was packed like hell, I'm quite lucky that I did not chose to go for it that time. Read it on the newspapers, in 2 days, a day they're handling 3000 candidates, it means 6000 candidates in 2 days! Well, it includes as well, the general staff,engineers,distributor,cabin crews and so on so forth. So i went on the 3rd morning after work! hihihihi. Managed to change (in the lounge as well,haha)the crowd was full.. it's not organized, filled with people, going ard.. in a small space.. trust me it is!it was crowded, everybody's squeezing in..Plus the whole event has only one person to handle the crowd. i have waited for 2 hours n thus queue n squeeze. Got my number yo go forth for the interview.. they gave a number but it seems they're not using it. Everybody is everywhere! Even when you are standing where you are, they cut queues! my goodness.. Malaysiannnssss... So i manage to get in the interview room. The interviewer asked me these : 1) Introduce yourself 2) Walk for a short distance 3) Why do I want to be a cabin crew? Answered,walked and answered.. Its only for 5 mins n im gone.. Imagine after waiting for 2 hours n in the room for 5 mins after that they say they'll contact you in 2 weeks time.. my goodness!and you cant do anything else. thats the interview. So currently im waiting for their answer... I hope that it will be a good news! okok! got to go! pax coming in 5..4..3..2..1..!

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