Friday, August 3, 2012

4th August 2012-Saturday @1237 hrs

HElllooooooo!!! I actually wanted to post this for a long time..! But i wrote my last draft almost till the end.. and *poof!* the whole thing was a goner!!! then I decide to write it another day... :)) Well, I just want to update my status currently. Things may not be the same as before,cause work changed n friends gone not really gone gone but gone like they're not there with me.So sad! SO currently, because of MAS "financial problems" + "excess crews"they cant accept/include Firefly crews to be in flying roster.. So we end up being in? the Golden Lounge.. I have been working there for like a month plus now.. problems keeps haunting me,plus the stress for this is overwhelming. Working in the lounge is like working in a restaurant whereby you have to collect plates,arrange things, etc etc as the vendors (the original golden lounge workers) are gonna be gone by the end of this month, guess what, it was the management who force them to leave. First thing, i dont understand why they asked them to leave as we need them? Plus who's gonna do the lifting n cleaning? The management asked us to be a PR around the lounge.. but the next thing you know, all these things happen. For all that I could say is STUPID! SO when the vendors are gone, n if we dont pick up some informations now from them i think we would be helpless..! Colleagues are leaving the company,vendors are leaving n what does that make us? short of crew for sure! well,I'm quite sad that my expats pilots friends are leaving..! the time pass quite fast! They're leaving me!!!! :(( its quite sad. Everybodys'leaving... I wish that they could be here for me!!! They've been the best thing that happened in my life..tho they;re guys but yea! They are the reasons that made my life in kl the awesome thing that happen! I just hope that they'll find good jobs somewhere out there! Im quite sad that Peter is leaving me.. He has been the closest guy that Im with for a year plus now. He's leaving too! :'(( Im here wishing the best to you honey! I hope that you'll be accepted to a great company who treats u well and make the flying experience fun for u! I'll see you when i see u! But please come back to see me!!! :) i think that's it for now.. got to go.. :'(

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