Friday, June 5, 2009

4th June 2009 @ 1430hrs

this is the particular day that i can remember very clearly...

that one day...i've 4gotten to switch off the air-con when im in mum's room and for goodness sake i went to work...then he called up mum..telling her that i didnt switch off the air-con when i went out...
later on..on MSN mum came n confronted me saying that i forgot to switch the air-cond off...i apologize to her saying that i didnt mean to... then she said to me one sentence " what is the point of saying sorry when u've done something wrong??" i was so dissapointed wen she said that word.. For Goodness sake... sometimes people tend to forget some stuffs... i didnt do it on purpose as to let him to hv the chance to complain it to mum n to irritate mum...i dint do anything wrong..i've juz forgot...when my aunt ask me..wats goin on..when she saw my face gone sad..i cried when i told her the whole story...coz the sentence that mum is saying that i did someting wrong..n now when i thnk of that day she told me off...i really feel like crying...

i know that mum is goin through menopause... n i know its come to think of it...did i do something wrong?? i dint intend to forget..i dint intend to let him hv the chance to complaint everything to mum n irritate her...I DINT MEAN TO!!!!!

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