Monday, January 10, 2011

10th Jan 2011 - Monday @2005hours

Hv u ever tot of.. How ugly u looked?? Hv u ever doubted urself could get a nice guy to be wit?? Well.. I do.. No matter how perfect u gonna be.. There will b some disadvantages abt e physical look or even attitude.. That's y they say.. Nothing's n no one's perfect.. I would say.. I do hv e nice body.. Bt I hv a big fat ass n big fat legs..I do admire where ppl hv perfect figures.. Real nice figures.. Where they can find jeans that fits perfectly. Where I'm hving a freaking hard time to look for a pair of jeans..coz my ass n thighs r huge.. N I realli mean HUGE! My heart sank when I look at my back in e mirror.. It's realli like a big fat lady from behind.. Sighs.. Well.. Being heritage by my Mum's side to hv big fat ass n legs.. R meant to b.. Bt I realli hope that working on it would work for my legs to b thinner n qualify for at most all e airlines interviews.. God! Help me please... Desperate huge legs girl..

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