Thursday, September 9, 2010

What has happen for e past days...

Woah..its has been quite sometime since I've blogged...

Well,these few days..I've finally got wat I've wanted.. My dock radio for iPod n iPhone... woohoo!!!

*jeng jeng jeng* Logitech Pure-Fi Express Plus...

I've been playin it in my room ever since.. The sound n bass from it are superb! I'm lovin it.. *teehee*

Tomorrow.. I'm gg for a confirmation camp @ church.. =D juz to help out la.. gonna hv a blasting station games wit e confirmants.. hehehehe!!! kesian those ppl.. will kena bully by us..Soooo looking forward to e games n meeting Martin Jalleh.. XD n I'm really looking forward to his speech again..

Oh well... work though its its fun also.. n i cant realli remember much abt the things that had happen along the way im writing this.. bt as long as im hving fun n that is what i wanted.. so Happy Holidays y'all!!!

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