Thursday, May 13, 2010

13th May 2010 Wednesday @ 2123 hours

Today work has been moody at the start..colleagues sighs are making me frustrated becoz i juz forgot abt informing that there's a D/O to be taken from the hypermarket. it just that, she sighs n complaining abt my mood n all..saying it so loud..i think she intended to let my aunt hear abt my mood.. bt lucky my aunt didnt care abt her.. coz my aunt knows that my colleagues is one of a kind when she speaks or talk to someone..when she talks..she's like i dunno..sometimes makes ppl feel mad at her..

anyhow..these days have been worrying abt ge's condition..he's been coughin.thus coughing out blood.. he has been taking a new batch of medication to neutralize the chemical that he'd taken 2 years ago that affected his body defensive system..

i got to know this since last Sunday, when he smsed me, asking me whether i'd remember what i've promised him if should one day he's gone.. so im totally worried abt his health condition..sighs..he juz cant stop making me worried abt him.. i've told Alicia jie abt his condition..she told me that ge has been moody these days..when she n susan ask him what did e doctor said..he told them its pretty good.. sometimes when they tried to talk to him to create a conversation, he only replied them "yea ok,yes, no, maybe.." so Alicia's quite mad at him for acting like me, mayb ge don't wan them to worry abt him, he tried to keep this to in e end..i "korek" (dig) everything up from him..=)
Mei n me, have been praying for ge's health..for it to be better n for him to live longer..n i know that God will do something special unto him for us..I really hope that our prayers will be heard..
Coz i really love n cherish ge as my brother..coz i dun hv a brother..

N wat's special abt ge is..he cares for us like nobody does, he loves n dotes on us like nobody does.. he gives us everything that we wanted.. n there's more abt him that is unforgettable.. whenever i think of him these days, n when he owaz says that one day he'll leave us..i cried..
I really hope for the best for him n i will keep praying for him..

Dear God, You are the Highest above all.. You are the Incredible n Miracle Healer of All.. Please cure my brother's condition.. Whatever that is in his body that have been making him weak..cure him.. Dear God, I beg for your mercy n grace..Forgive him for the sins he's done..and May the Blood of Your Son,Jesus Christ protect him from all harm and anxiety..No matter what are the consequences may be for willing to take it .because he deserve to live longer..Dear God Most Gracious, cure him n make him feel better like never before.. Thank you very much..I make this prayer through Christ our Lord..Amen.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

11th May 2010 - Tuesday @ 2103hours

Days has passed n now its time for blogging..tee hee ^^

well incredible thing happen, what i've wanted came true.. ge talk to jess ald, mum talk to jess ald..Woohoo! so happy..

Sunday aft mass, we went over to granny' went to pick grandma up n 2nd grand aunty (who just lives next door), aft that we went to 3rd grand aunty's visit her.. when we were at 2nd grand aunt' home picking her up..jess speech was so rude to ned to fight about a door with grandma rite?? sighs..dissapointed in her..

so after visiting here n thr, we got we were getting ready to go out shopping..the 3 of us,, since it has been a long time since we've went out together.. when we were ready i told jess "Lets Go! but hv to wait for mei's friend to arrvie 1st" jess said "ok, but we are taking mum's car, dunno whether my car got petrol o not" .. after this, an arguement heard her saying that she doubt her car got petrol n all..all e foul words came out from his mouth n all. i tolerate.. n i told myself, if he says another word again, i would tell him " IF u don't like it, then move out! we don't need u" bt then mei's friend he stopped e arguement n went out slamming the chair..

when we were out, im worried abt mum...abt goin half way to the mall..we turn back..

i don't know what is he mumuring abt all e time with his not sure whether its good or bad..for all i know is that i don't like it at all..

Saturday, May 1, 2010

01st May 2010 - Saturday @ 2100 hours

Date : 28th April 2010 - Thursday
Time Started : 8pm

- Today, Esther sms-ed me ask me whether im free to go out @nite or not..n i said yea..she said she wans2 go out as in to meet up n all as she's on sem break but goin back on e next day,friday..sighs she's owaz last minute de..haha =). Anyway, i had a hard time to get the car to go out but in e end i did.. Esther sms-ed me if we can meet Edmond in SCIC, around 10pm coz she said he's got something to do in i said sure

I met them around 10.30pm there..we've chatted for a few mins,then we went to Cita Rasa (I think its spell this way) in Sbrg Jaya. so we've chatted until we've chatted to a topic where Eddy chose his gf. He said that he like two girls then one, he kept mum at 1st, 2nd Su Ling (his current gf) he said that he was confused wit e 1st girl that he liked. Doesnt know whether she wans them to b a couple or e end he realized that Su Ling was the one..

Then me n Esther went n kepoh n ask him who's that 1st girl he liked.. Then he said that me n Esther knew her very well..n she's chinese too.. so i asked him who.. he ask do u really wan2 know..i said yea y not..then e answer came.. he said " Its You La!" I was stunned then..coz i dint know anything abt this..though b4 we've smsed like buddys n all..aft he had his gf, then yea we stopped messaging each other.and e next thing is, he said im owaz single n all, whenever he asks me "got bf ald not?" n i answered no. He hurt me by saying, i owaz "sell high" n he asked me how much did i wan?

Aft hearing it.. i pretend that nothing happen n get on to e next topic.. in my heart, i felt embarassed n guilty that when he said that he liked me b4 n all.. i dint wan him to feel that n all..but i was hurt when he told me off like that..sighs..anyhow i do hv the urge to leave..but in e end, we've got on chatted n all, then a few of their friends came..n i was left alone sitting thr like a was like 2am then..we left the place around 2.30am.. Said my goodbyes to Esther n aft Edmond lead me e way to the highway home..i speed off... i was so upset then.. i drove pretty fast then..lucky no cars i've reach home around 3am..wanted to sleep bt cant.. was thinking of e situation happen thr..but in e end i slept off aft a while..

Date : Today
Time : 9 am

- Hmm... woke up at 7.30am today, sms-ed Silvie n Piey Piey around 8am to confirm whether they r awake or confirm when they r awake,i prepared myself n got out to fetch them.. My nose is still blocked went to 7-11 to get myself a 100 plus.. then went to fetch Piey Piey 1st..then aft Piey,Silvie.. so the 3 of us went over to e island for a Dim-Sum for b'fast.. then later we went to Gurney Plaza which now called Cor-- something something..forgot d.. @ Gurney we walked to look for Piey's shoes..but in e end found 1 but no size haha.. so aft walking for like an hour or two..

We went to Queensbay Mall to shop again..haha..but the shop that we are heading to, are under renovation, so sighs..she cant buy her shoes d..haha... then we went to Dragon something something to hv "Xiao Long Bao"!! ^^..n WOW the queue was long..the current number called then was 53 n guess wat is our number is..78!! O_o but then it was fast..we've waited for like 30 mins or so..we was so anxious while waiting for our no. to b called..when it was 77..but e person holding e no. dint appear, so we were waiting for the guy to call our numbers..Piey was wondering why lar it took so long for him to call our no. haha when the guy called Piey was so excited,she told e guy, we were waiting for him to call our no. for a long time edi..we all laugh n went in..

Aft walking for so long,my feet starts to hurt..i've got a blister under my toe.. =( it hurts when i walk..lucky, we've got to rest while waiting for our no. n while we were in e restaurant..e Xiao Long Bao was superb i shall say.. aft that Piey got a call from her sis saying that she wans Piey to help her buy some snacks n all.. we were in a rush then, coz piey has to b home around 3.30pm but it was 3pm Piey went in while we wait for her..we've waited like 20 mins..then we saw Piey..she was complaining abt e counter, e service person dunno how to scan n we went on rushin to the car park, but out of a sudden Piey said she wans to go n take a look in "Nicole" to look for a shoe, she said if she dint buy a thing for herself she'll die.. so me n Silvie laugh n went with her. So she picked her shoe, but the colour she picked at 1st got her size, but she wanted to pick either black or white..n guess stock avail for her. Got no choice, she has to choose e colour that she picked 1st.. haha

So at end of e day i managed to get her home around 4.30pm..hehe 1 hour later than expected..

Anyway we had fun ouch! my toe-ey hurts.. i've got a blister on my toe-ey.. =(