Friday, August 21, 2009

21st Aug 2009 @ 2147hrs

On wednesday , franklin asked me out for a movie... hmm.. suprisingly.. @ 1st he asked me to check the movie status for i checked.. i saw G.I. Joe is showing..n sms him..i dint knw tat he said he wan2 wtch The Proposal went over to Pacific Megamall..had our dinner n went over to see buy e tickets..mana tau... he dint see The proposal around the we had to choose another movie..we choose District 9..hmm..not watching it anymore.. the front part is way to draggy... feel like sleeping half way thru the movie...then when i almost felt asleep..the exicting part for e movie..not so good to it 1 star outta 5 stars..

then the next thing is in the Chinese Lunar says that on Thursday its the Ghost all e S.A.TAN are coming out for a month of holiday... so mum said not to go out till late night..hmm..! damn bored la...

Today..mum n mei goin down to JB as mum's branch n her company is having an damn bored la me..for e nothing to do...sighs..mayb i can continue my Nightmare book..
Its quite good also... not bad for the editor..when i think of mei goin down to jb.. i feel like joining her too..coz work is very stressful.n tiring.. today i work until 9pm..n sometimes until 10pm.. sighs..not enuf of time to do my own stuff..

for now i really do hope that mei n mum can enjoy themselves down in jb..m so jealous rite now..
nvm..will b oin down again during december. :D

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